The FlexGC Network

Episode 29

This is a curated episode provided by the FlexGC Network.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What FlexGC is and how it supports public servants
  • How to use FlexGC for your own learning or to support your team
  • About a new digital module being developed by the CSPS Digital Academy

In April 2020, the FlexGC Network went live!

FlexGC is a grassroots collective working across the Government of Canada (GC) that has come together with the aim of supporting the many public servants who have been directed to work from home as part of the public health response to COVID-19.

This is hard. We can help.

As mentioned in Remote Work, Defined, in 2017, just 7.8% of respondents to the Public Service Employee Survey indicated they were teleworking. Now, quite suddenly, every public servant who can is teleworking. We recognize that the transition to remote work has been sudden, and is occurring in what is already a time of anxiety and uncertainty.

Shaping Culture. Changing the workplace.

Our goal is to use a human-centered approach to helping our colleagues across the GC to identify and adapt to the tools, practices and mindsets needed to have success working from wherever they may be. Success at work right now might look different compared to business-as-usual, but we hope to help make your remote work easier by providing credible, helpful and clear resources; developing and leading workshops, webinars and Ask Me Anything conversations; and by offering 1:1 and 1:team coaching.

At the same time, the CSPS Digital Academy is developing a 90-minute interactive webinar on becoming digital in the public service; this module will introduce public servants to the Digital Standards and show how adopting these standards can have an impact on how we work. What’s more, the module will provide small steps you can take to evolve your work style to meet our new reality. The module will be rolled out for testing in July and is anticipated to launch in September 2020.

FlexGC membership is comprised of federal public servants — many of them experienced remote workers — from all levels and backgrounds. Together we bring combined experience in:

  • communications, engagement, & storytelling;
  • digital government;
  • healthy team practices;
  • establishing processes & guidelines;
  • psychological safety & workplace wellness;
  • meditation;
  • facilitation & virtual engagement tools; and
  • learning.

Reach out today

Do you or your team need help? Do you have help to offer? Are you interested in hearing about our resources? You can find us on the following platforms:

  • Follow us on Medium @flexgc.canada
  • Follow us on Twitter , use #FlexGC to join the conversation, share your favourite tips or resources, or ask questions
  • Stay up to date on remote work & distributed team resources using the FlexGC Learns Trello Board
  • Join the FlexGC GCcollab group
  • Join us for open videoconference chats (to be announced on Medium, Twitter and elsewhere)
  • Send us an email at if you have specific questions you’d like answered or topics you’d like to see covered, or if you want to schedule a 1:1 or 1:team connection with a FlexGC Network member.

We would love for you to help get the word out! We’re only as effective as the number of people we can help so tell your public service friends, colleagues, and management about the FlexGC Network.

Learn More

The FlexGC Network has partnered with the FlexGC Initiative at the School. The Network will use FlexGC name and brand. The FlexGC Initiative will work with the Network to build and test prototypes to support the adoption of flexible and remote work across the entire GC ecosystem over the long-term. Successful interventions will eventually be monetized via a cost-recovery model at the School.