Service Delivery Hub - Benefits Delivery Modernization – ESDC

Canadians have modern expectations for how they want to interact with us, and by using modern technology, it's our responsibility to meet those expectations.

Service Delivery Hub - Benefits Delivery Modernization – ESDC

Employment and Social Development Canada uses modern technology to measure service delivery at their  Integrated Service Coordination Centre.


Mitch Stenton
Senior Program Advisor


Our environment is constantly evolving and the onus is on us to keep pace with that change. Canadians have modern expectations for how they want to interact with us, and by using modern technology, it's our responsibility to meet those expectations. So we're making real changes to the way we manage and perform our work to better serve Canadians and better support our employees.

So how do we do that? Well, every journey begins with a first step, and ours is to build the Integrated Service Coordination Centre or the ISCC because I need more acronyms in my life.

So what exactly is the ISCC and why are we building it? Great question. The ISCC is a software based solution which supports a vastly increased operational awareness. Once fully implemented, we'll have a real time view of workload volume, staffing skill sets, and availability across business lines and across regions. It will inform the alignment of work items to the most appropriate staff, will support planning and forecasting, and ultimately better overall decision making.

It will even give us the agility to distribute and redistribute that work in support of everything from the day to day, mass layoffs, or even a pandemic as they may occur.

Currently, as you may know, our regions mainly operate separately and within them, our branches are largely independent as well. But what if those branches could better support each other? What if we could leverage capacity across business lines to balance workloads when volumes are high or shift resources in real time to wherever they're needed most and back again to always ensure the best client outcomes?

Now expand this across the regions, where we could leverage time zones, staffing levels, even differences in workload volumes between urban and rural sites. The result is that Canadians will spend less time waiting and get to a resolution faster, while our people will experience less workload related stress and see more opportunity for skills development and career growth. The ISCC will make that possible. And that's why we're building it, to better serve Canadians and better support our people.

Resources/ Courses

What is Data?
We’ve got the data, now what? How to leverage our data for better decision making & make inroads on business problems using data analysis.
Agile. Step by Step
Canadians are expecting products and services to be intuitive, easy to use and at pace with their ever-changing needs. We too, as public servants, have to change the way we work to become more adaptable and focused on clients and customers, no matter the field we’re working in.

· Discover Series: Discover Data

· The Role of Data in Digital Government (I511)

· Making Data-driven Decisions (I514)