Learning Path: Discover Digital Leadership

Visual representation of the content included in the Learning Path: Discover Digital Leadership.

Start your Discover Digital Leadership journey

We’ve recommended 3 core learning products in the Discover Digital Leadership learning path. Consume them in the recommended order to achieve the best learning outcomes. Once you’ve completed the core products, we encourage you to look at the additional learning products to get the most out of this experience!

This learning path will take you between 17 and 22 hours to complete, based on your preferred journey.

Develop some shared understanding as to what "a digital government" means and the  leadership that is required to enable it in the Public Service.

Core Learning

Start your digital journey with a hybrid both self-directed and facilitated course. For executives...

For managers...

Cultivate your Growth Mind-set through this self-directed learning opportunity.

Well done! Please continue to explore the CSPS learning offerings including our events to further broaden your learning and build your digital community.

Keep the Learning Going

Building a love of learning about Digital Leadership? We’ve recommended 7 additional learning products in the Discover Digital Leadership learning path including readings, videos and a bootcamp. Keep your Discover Data journey going with a format of interest!


You have completed the Discover Digital Leadership learning path and are now a member of that growing government community.  Keep up the experimentation, sharing, and the learning as you continue to evolve your leadership practices in support of a modern public service.

Next steps

Discover other learning paths
Discover Digital
Discover Data

Connect with like-minded public servants
Join the Canadian Digital Gov Connections space on Slack.